Broker vs. Carrier
This is a question that you can only answer.
Broker- Is the middlemen don’t own trucks just puts the customer and carrier together. Has very little contact with customer after customer books order. During
good times they are great but during heavy travel season like snowbirds they can run into trouble.
Carrier- Companies usually have between 1-5 trucks and run the same route year around. There are only a few companies with 100 plus trucks. If a company call and say they are a carrier doesn’t mean they can help you their truck is probably no where near you.
In my case I run New England to Florida year around. when I have empty spots I usually call or look on a transport board to fill spots. When a broker is not good during April and May when snowbirds are coming back,remember brokers don’t have trucks so they can quote you 900 dollars but doesn’t mean your vehicle will be picked up. With the new law that trucks must have ELD (Electronic Logging Device) in place Dec 18th 2017 has caused alot of small trucking companies to go out of business. Therefore, this spring if you sign up with a broker you better have a bad up plan as your vehicle may never get picked up